Introduction to System Design

Week 1: Introduction to System Design

Understanding the Importance of System Design:

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to System Design
  • Definition of system design and its significance in software development.
  • How good system design impacts the success and longevity of software projects.
  • Lecture 2: The Role of System Design in Software Engineering
  • Overview of the software development life cycle.
  • Where system design fits in the development process.
  • The cost of design changes at different stages.
  • Lab 1: Hands-On: Analyzing the Consequences of Poor Design
  • Review case studies of projects with design flaws.
  • Discuss the challenges, costs, and consequences of inadequate system design.

Principles of Good System Design:

  • Lecture 3: Key Principles of System Design
  • SOLID principles: Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion.
  • Separation of concerns and modularity.
  • Lecture 4: Design Patterns and Anti-Patterns
  • Introduction to common design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory, Observer).
  • Identification of anti-patterns and their impact on design quality.
  • Lab 2: Implementing a Simple Design Pattern
  • Demonstrate the application of a design pattern in a sample codebase.
  • Discuss the advantages and scenarios where the pattern is beneficial.

Case Studies of Successful System Designs with Examples:

  • Lecture 5: Case Study 1: The UNIX Operating System
  • History and design principles of the UNIX operating system.
  • Key design decisions and their impact on the software’s longevity.
  • Lecture 6: Case Study 2: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Overview of AWS services and architecture.
  • How AWS’s design enables scalability, reliability, and flexibility.
  • Lab 3: Analyzing and Discussing System Designs
  • Study the architecture of a well-known web application or service (e.g., Twitter, Netflix).
  • Identify and discuss key design choices that contribute to its success.

Homework Assignment:

  • Write a short essay on the importance of system design, highlighting the consequences of poor design decisions in real-world projects.

Week 1 Review and Q&A:

  • Review key concepts from Week 1.
  • Q&A session to address student questions and concerns related to system design principles and case studies.

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