Learn React.js in 30 days

“30 days in ReactJS” could refer to a learning challenge or program where you dedicate 30 days to learn and practice ReactJS concepts. This approach is popular for gaining a deeper understanding of React and its ecosystem. Here’s a suggested outline for your “30 days in ReactJS” journey:

Day 1-2: Introduction to ReactJS

  • What is ReactJS?
  • Setting up a development environment (Node.js, npm, create-react-app)
  • Creating your first React component and rendering it

Day 3-5: Components and Props

  • Understanding React components
  • Creating functional and class components
  • Using props to pass data between components

Day 6-8: State and Lifecycle

  • Introduction to state in React
  • Using useState hook for state management
  • Component lifecycle methods (e.g., componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate)

Day 9-10: React Forms and Events

  • Handling form submissions and input events
  • Controlled components vs. uncontrolled components
  • Managing form state with React state

Day 11-12: React Router

  • Implementing client-side routing with React Router
  • Creating navigation and nested routes

Day 13-15: Styling in React

  • Styling React components using CSS, SCSS, or CSS-in-JS
  • CSS Modules and Styled Components

Day 16-18: React Hooks

  • Understanding and using various built-in hooks (e.g., useEffect, useContext, useReducer)
  • Creating custom hooks for reusable logic

Day 19-20: Context API

  • Managing global state with Context API
  • Avoiding prop drilling through context providers and consumers

Day 21-23: Managing Data with APIs

  • Fetching data from APIs using fetch or third-party libraries (e.g., Axios)
  • Handling asynchronous operations with async/await

Day 24-25: React Testing

  • Introduction to testing React components
  • Writing unit tests using Jest and React Testing Library

Day 26-28: Redux (Optional)

  • State management with Redux
  • Creating actions, reducers, and connecting components to the Redux store

Day 29-30: Project Building and Deployment

  • Building a small React project from scratch
  • Deploying the project to a hosting service (e.g., Netlify, Vercel, GitHub Pages)

Throughout the 30 days, work on mini-projects, exercises, and challenges to apply the concepts you learn. Additionally, refer to official React documentation, online tutorials, and community resources to enhance your understanding.

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