Architectural Patterns in System Design

Week 2: Architectural Patterns

1. Monolithic vs. Microservices Architecture:

  • Lecture 1: Understanding Monolithic Architecture
  • In monolithic architecture, an entire application is built as one big piece.
  • Imagine it like a giant cake where all the layers are combined.
  • Example: A traditional online store where everything is handled by one codebase – user management, product catalog, and checkout.
  • Lecture 2: Exploring Microservices Architecture
  • Microservices break down the application into smaller, independent services.
  • Think of it as a collection of smaller cupcakes, each with a unique flavor.
  • Example: Netflix uses microservices for streaming, recommendations, and user management, allowing for flexibility and scalability.
  • Lab 1: Comparing Monolithic and Microservices
  • Analyze code and architecture diagrams of a simple e-commerce system.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of each approach.

2. Layered Architecture:

  • Lecture 3: What Is Layered Architecture?
  • Layered architecture organizes an application into separate, logical layers.
  • Each layer has a specific job, like ingredients in a sandwich.
  • Example: A web app with layers for presentation, business logic, and data storage.
  • Lecture 4: Benefits and Challenges of Layered Architecture
  • Discuss the advantages, such as modularity and maintainability.
  • Explore challenges like tight coupling between layers.
  • Lab 2: Designing a Layered Architecture
  • Create a basic diagram for a layered architecture of a simple messaging app.
  • Identify the responsibilities of each layer.

3. Event-Driven Architecture:

  • Lecture 5: Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture
  • Event-driven architecture is like a bulletin board where components listen for and respond to events.
  • Example: A smart home system where devices react to events like motion or temperature changes.
  • Lecture 6: Real-World Examples of Event-Driven Systems
  • Explore practical uses, like social media notifications and financial trading systems.
  • Understand how events can decouple components and improve scalability.
  • Lab 3: Building a Simple Event-Driven System
  • Create a scenario where a sensor detects a motion event and triggers an action.
  • Discuss how event-driven architecture simplifies this scenario.

4. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA):

  • Lecture 7: Introduction to Service-Oriented Architecture
  • SOA divides an application into reusable services that communicate through well-defined interfaces.
  • Think of it as assembling a meal from different dishes.
  • Example: A travel booking system where flight booking, hotel reservation, and car rental are separate services.
  • Lecture 8: Benefits and Challenges of SOA
  • Discuss advantages like reusability and flexibility.
  • Address challenges such as service versioning and communication complexity.
  • Lab 4: Designing a Service-Oriented System
  • Plan a simple e-commerce application using SOA principles.
  • Define services and their interactions.

Homework Assignment:

  • Choose a real-world application and analyze its architecture to identify whether it follows a monolithic, microservices, layered, or event-driven approach. Discuss the reasoning behind the chosen architecture.

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Architectural Patterns in System Design

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High Availability and Disaster Recovery

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Case Studies and Real-World Projects

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