Database Design in System Design

Week 4: Database Design

1. Relational vs. NoSQL Databases:

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to Database Types
  • Explore the fundamental differences between relational and NoSQL databases.
  • Compare it to choosing between a structured library and an open playground for data storage.
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each type.
  • Lecture 2: When to Use Relational Databases
  • Discuss scenarios where relational databases, with their structured tables and relationships, are the best choice.
  • Example: Using a relational database for financial transactions.
  • Lecture 3: When to Use NoSQL Databases
  • Highlight situations where NoSQL databases, with their flexibility and scalability, are preferable.
  • Example: Storing unstructured data like social media posts in a NoSQL database.
  • Lab 1: Choosing the Right Database
  • Given a project description, decide whether a relational or NoSQL database is the most suitable choice.
  • Justify your decision.

2. Data Modeling and Normalization:

  • Lecture 4: Data Modeling Basics
  • Understand the importance of data modeling in database design.
  • Explain how data entities, attributes, and relationships are represented.
  • Lecture 5: Normalization
  • Explore the concept of normalization to eliminate data redundancy and improve database efficiency.
  • Discuss different normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF).
  • Lab 2: Designing a Relational Database Schema
  • Given a set of data requirements, design a normalized relational database schema.
  • Ensure data integrity and minimize redundancy.

3. Indexing and Query Optimization:

  • Lecture 6: Introduction to Indexing
  • Explain how indexing works and why it is essential for efficient data retrieval.
  • Example: An index in a book helping you find specific information faster.
  • Lecture 7: Query Optimization Strategies
  • Discuss techniques to optimize database queries, such as using indexes and denormalization.
  • Explain the importance of analyzing query execution plans.
  • Lab 3: Indexing and Query Optimization
  • Create indexes on tables within a database.
  • Write and analyze SQL queries to measure the impact of indexing.

4. CAP Theorem and Database Consistency:

  • Lecture 8: Understanding the CAP Theorem
  • Introduce the CAP theorem, which states that a distributed database can have at most two of the following: Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance.
  • Use the analogy of a trade-off triangle.
  • Lecture 9: Consistency Models
  • Explore different consistency models, including strong consistency and eventual consistency.
  • Discuss scenarios where each model is suitable.
  • Lab 4: CAP Theorem Analysis
  • Study a distributed database system and evaluate its consistency, availability, and partition tolerance in different failure scenarios.

Homework Assignment:

  • Research and document a real-world use case where the choice of database type (relational or NoSQL) significantly impacted the success of a project.

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Database Design in System Design

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High Availability and Disaster Recovery

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Case Studies and Real-World Projects

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