System Integration and APIs in System Design

Week 6: System Integration and APIs

1. Building and Consuming APIs:

  • Lecture 1: Introduction to APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
  • Define what APIs are and why they are essential for system integration.
  • Provide examples of APIs in everyday life.
  • Lecture 2: API Components and Architecture
  • Explore the key components of an API, including endpoints, requests, and responses.
  • Discuss the client-server architecture of API interactions.
  • Lab 1: Creating and Consuming a Simple API
  • Build a basic API that serves data and develop a client application that consumes it.
  • Use tools like Postman or cURL to make API requests.

2. RESTful API Design Principles:

  • Lecture 3: Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Explain the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) and its importance in web services.
  • Compare REST to other API styles (e.g., SOAP).
  • Lecture 4: RESTful Resource Design
  • Discuss resource naming, URI structure, and HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  • Emphasize the importance of using nouns for resources.
  • Lab 2: Designing a RESTful API
  • Design the endpoints and resources for a RESTful API that manages a user database.
  • Create a simple API documentation.

3. API Security and Authentication:

  • Lecture 5: API Security Fundamentals
  • Highlight common security threats to APIs, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Explain the need for authentication and authorization.
  • Lecture 6: Authentication Methods
  • Explore various authentication methods, including API keys, OAuth, and JWT (JSON Web Tokens).
  • Discuss the advantages and use cases for each method.
  • Lab 3: Implementing API Authentication
  • Secure your API by implementing authentication using JWT.
  • Create a simple registration and login system for your API.

4. API Documentation and Versioning:

  • Lecture 7: Importance of API Documentation
  • Explain why well-documented APIs are crucial for developers and users.
  • Showcase examples of good API documentation.
  • Lecture 8: API Versioning
  • Discuss the need for API versioning to ensure backward compatibility.
  • Explore different versioning strategies, such as URI versioning and header versioning.
  • Lab 4: Documenting and Versioning Your API
  • Create comprehensive documentation for your API using tools like Swagger or Postman.
  • Implement versioning for your API and demonstrate backward compatibility.

Homework Assignment:

  • Analyze a public API of your choice (e.g., Twitter API, Google Maps API) and provide a report on its design, security measures, and documentation quality.

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System Integration and APIs in System Design

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High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Security in System Design

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Case Studies and Real-World Projects

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